Fennel and anise for digestive colic

Fennel and anise for digestive colic

Feb 08, 2018Marina Persoglio

Colic What Is It

The dreaded word every parent is hoping not to use in relation to their little ones, the COLIC. What is it and is there any help at all. As young baby’s digestive system isn’t fully developed, they may feel discomfort in their tummy. Especially for the first 12 weeks, as this is how long it takes fo baby’s gut and digestive system to mature. This is what most people refer to when they talk about colic.

I call them digestive colic as there are many indications the discomfort is related to digestion. Although some babies will cry for the first 12 weeks just because they need more time to adjust. Furthermore they are going through so called fourth trimester. If you think your babies discomfort is related to digestion this is where our Calm Tummy, Fennel and Anise blend might be of help. If this sounds familiar it’s likely your baby has digestive colic:

Stop The Crying

Your baby seems uncomfortable and cries a lot after feeds, especially in the evening. More often than not  pulling  her knees up to her chest and her tummy feels quite hard on touch. Your baby is moaning and wriggling around in her sleep too. Your baby seems uncomfortable right before doing a poo or wind. If it does sound familiar continue reading….

How to survive digestive colic

1. Repeat the sacral parents mantra ‘This too shall pass’

2. If your baby has digestive colic, few things might help as there are few possible things that contribute to digestive colic. Imbalance in stomach acid levels, reflux or a dairy intolerance and excessive gas are most common ones. This is what you can do to help:

  • Feed with care:

  • If your baby has digestive colic, she is likely to benefit from more often burping. Also try and feed your baby as soon as you see early signs of hunger rather than waiting for baby to cry as that’s how they get more air in their stomachs which makes the colic symptoms worse.
  • Check your feeding position:

  • Whether you’re bottle- or breastfeeding babies chin must be up so she can suck, breathe and swallow without gulping air.
  • Empty one breast at a time:

  • If you’re breastfeeding, let her empty your first breast before offering the other, as snacking from one side to the other provides only the fore milk. This is high in protein and sugar, but low in fat, so it relieves hunger but adds to colic.
  • Try our Calm Tummy Blend

  • Or any Fennel and Anise blend for babies, I would always recommend organic. Follow instructions for use and if you are breastfeeding drink it yourself.

Local Support Groups

3. Find local support groups for parents with babies who suffer from colic. It’s not easy  when you have a crying baby on your hands and although it shall pass, those 3 months can seem like a life time. Get all the support you can because you are not alone in this!

If your baby has diarrhoea, constipation, foul-smelling poos, a white tongue or severe nappy rash, talk to your GP to see if there is anything else going on that might be causing the crying.

I have to say there is no miracle solution, I have gone through it with my number one and currently going through it with number two. I believe all of the suggestions above helped us make our colic as mild as possible and although they say mothers diet shouldn’t have huge effect on babies that’s not my experience. For breastfeeding mums I think it’s definitely worth a try playing a bit of detective with you diet and write down things you eat and observe your babies reactions. I wouldn’t suggest anyone to go crazy like me with my firstborn Max and eat only brown rice for a week before slowly introducing other foods (what desperate parents do) but mums including me often report liking out dairy (cows milk protein) and soya makes a difference. If you do make changes to your diet make sure you are still getting all your nutrients as nursing is hungry business. You could try our Nursing Tea

Hang in there mamas and papas!

Nursing Is Best 

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